Regulators & Meters


The Pipeline Toolbox is home to many tools and calculators. The PLTB User’s Guide presents information, guidelines and procedures for use during design, construction, operations and integrity tasks for field or office applications.

In the pipeline industry many components are used for everyday operation such as meters, regulators and relief valves. These components play a critical role in the operation and safety of the pipeline systems around us. These components have the capability to monitor pressure, relieve pressure and regulate flow.

Sizing is vitally important. This applies not only to the regulator and relief valve itself, but also to the piping of the entire installation. These components must be big enough to handle the maximum emergency. When properly installed and maintained, regulators and relief valves are very dependable. The question is not so much whether it will work, but rather whether it is large enough to provide full protection during a maximum emergency. When a relief valve is in full operation, it can discharge an enormous volume of gas into the atmosphere. For that reason, they cannot be used everywhere. This must be carefully considered when a relief valve installation is being planned and engineered. The same goes for a regulator. The proper size must be chosen in different applications to handle the pressure increases and cuts with the maximum volume the component will be exposed to.



  • AGA Report No. 3 – Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and other Related Hydrocarbon Fluid – Parts 1-4
Updated on September 19, 2023

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