HDD PowerTool

HDD PowerTool User Onboarding Video

This set of videos is designed to give HDD PowerTool users an in-depth understanding on how to start using the software for your next engineering project. 

Users can watch the video in full or watch the parts they need in order to create a customized learning experience. The video is presented by David Willoughby, author and pipeline industry recognized expert with extensive experience using the HDD PowerTool.

Module 1 – Intro to the HDD PowerTool

Module 2 – HDD Drilling Fluid Analysis

Module 3 – HDD Miscellaneous

Module 4 – Plastic Pipes

Module 5 – Steel Pipe

Module 6 – Steel Pipe Operational Stress Analysis

Module 7 – Hydraulic Fracture Analysis

Module 8 – Drilling Fluid Frictional Pressure

Module 9 – Steel Pipe Vertical and Horizontal

Module 10 – Advance Plastic Pipe

Module 11 – Plastic Pipe

Module 12 – HDD Lite

Overview on Material Consideration (Steel vs. Plastic) While Designing HDD

In this video Dr David Willoughby will walk you through the following:

  1. Various design considerations to be accounted in your selection criteria of the material selected for the HDD Design. 
  2. The impact of the material selected in the design and stress analysis.

Updated on March 28, 2024

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