There are multiple selections to choose from after logging in.
Select the settings wheel icon marked in the image above to choose the following:
Note: You can select metrics for RSTRENG. If you use other units, they are set up primarily for hydraulic equations, whereas, RSTRENG is not.
— Click on the “plus” to create a new case representing all of the configuration and operational data for the pipe defect to be assessed. When editing an existing case, use the “Case Name” dropdown field beside the “plus” button to select and edit.
— Displays a list of all available cases and loads the configuration specifications for the selected case.
— Provides options to either “save” or “save as” a case.
— Clink Reference Documents (For Information & Help) from the top menu. Four (4) documents on RSTRENG (Criterion, Testing, Validation & Tensile Strength UTS) and Help Document (Step Procedure) will be available for the user.
— A PDF format report is created with the plot, input, and output parameters on page 1 and the pitting data on the following pages. The user selects the results to be displayed in the report.
— Provide the ability to share cases with others within organizations.
(Right Corner of Blue Ribbon) — Select “Your Name” from the top blue ribbon on the right-hand side.
Select Company Logo from Preferences at the top menu. Select Company Logo file (jpeg and png file type) which will be used in all reports.