Ad-hoc Analysis

  1. Login to the application using the credentials provided by Technical Toolboxes
  2. Click on “Ad-hoc” from the application menu bar, which loads the Ad-hoc widget on the canvas

Note: Ad-hoc is available only when the user has subscribed for the hierarchy panel

  1. The hierarchy/map controls as to what options in the X and Y axis are available for plotting. If user selects an asset on the hierarchy, all the input and output data related to the asset is loaded in the X and Y axis dropdown list
  2. If a pipe is selected on the map, all the input and output data related to this pipe across all modules loads up in the A and Y-axis dropdown list
    1. The left side accordion/arrow opens axes selection, configuration, and grouping options
  3. The user can select the x and y-axis along with the units for the selected options
  4. The user can add a maximum of 2 X-axes and a maximum of 4 Y-axes along with the units
    1. All X-axes can be configured in the X-axis tab with minimum scale, maximum scale, autoscale, scale interval (difference), invert scale (reversed), and setting the X-axis as a logarithmic scale
  5. All the above changes can be committed by clicking on “Apply”
    1. Similarly, all the Y-axes can be configured in the Y-axis tab with all of the above options. Additionally, users can configure what the chart type is for each of the X vs Y plots, line type, line color, series name, and a chart title.
  6. Group by tab gives the user the flexibility to group/stack the plot with the option selected. The plot rolls up data based on this selection
    1. Color by allows the users to color their rolled up/stacked/grouped plots to be colored based on a particular selection from this option.
  7. The PDF icon allows the user to export and save the plot in PDF format
  8. Excel icon allows the user to export and save the plot data in excel format
  9. The right side accordion/arrow opens up filtering options for the user. This is a button that can be turned on/off in the plot which are displayed
    1. All options in filtering are selected/turned on by default
  10. Creating new plot series using multiply/divide/etc from 2 existing parameters
  11. Count function plots the total number of points for the selected attribute
  12. Sum function plots the summation of the selected attribute
  13. Average function plots the average value for the selected attribute
  14. Minimum function plots the lowest value for the selected attribute
  15. Maximum function plots the highest value for the selected attribute
  16. Cumulative distribution function is a plot series for the cumulative distribution function
  17. Min is the value the user chooses for the scale to begin with
  18. Max is the value the user chooses for the scale to end with
  19. The user may choose the scale to be auto-scale
  20. The user may choose to set the numbering interval of the scale by entering the difference
  21. Reversed is when the user wishes to reverse the plot scale
  22. Log is used when the user wishes to use a logarithmic plot or a log-log plot
  23. Click on the refresh button to update plots with the most updated data from the database

Note: This may take some time depending upon the data content

Related Links

Pipeline HUB – User Resources