
The user can either import or manually enter corrosion depth and remaining wall thickness data (ILI data) for the RSTRENG assessment area.

RSTRENG Assessment Definitions

Add Row
The user can manually add profile increment data for each row without using data from excel import
Clear All Pit Profile
The user can delete entire profile data by clicking on this button. The user can also delete individual rows by selecting the row and then clicking on delete
Corrosion Depth Percent
Represents the corrosion depth in terms of percent of the wall thickness
Corrosion Depth/Remaining Wall Thickness
Is the value of corrosion depth, or remaining wall thickness at a specific increment from ILI data
Download Template
The user may download an excel template file to import data based on the measurement method selected (corrosion depth, or remaining wall thickness
Export to Excel File
Available profile increment data can be exported to an excel file to be consumed later
Highlight Effective Area Increments
Highlights the effective area increment within the profile table
Import Excel File
Allows the user to import data (corrosion depth, or remaining wall thickness) using an excel file
Is the pipe increment from the ILI data for RSTRENG assessment
Max Corrosion Depth
The point on the pipe with maximum corrosion depth
Max Corrosion Depth Percent
The point on the pipe with the maximum corrosion depth percent
Any changes made in the table are reflected in the plot when submit button is clicked
Total Length
Total length of pipe for RSTRENG assessment


  • RSRTENG Tips

    Technical Toolboxes receives many RSTRENG questions throughout the year; however, most of them are not related to operating the software.  These questions are related to procedures, definitions, and field repairs.

    When metal loss features in pipelines are detected by in-line inspection (ILI), a decision to replace, repair, and assess remaining features.  This decision is based on the prediction of the failure pressure of the corroded pipeline and must adhere to the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49, Parts 192 and 195, that stipulates that ASME B31G or RSTRENG be used to assess the remaining strength of corroded pipelines. Check Out

  • RSTRENG (Effective Area) Calculations

    What Actions must be Taken to Address Integrity Issues?

    According to DOT 192.933 a calculation of the remaining strength of the pipe shows a predicted failure pressure less than or equal to 1.1 times the maximum allowable operating pressure at the location of the anomaly. Suitable remaining strength calculation methods include, ASME/ANSI B31G; RSTRENG; or an alternative equivalent method of remaining strength calculation. Check Out

  • Preventative and Corrective Measures to Control Corrosion Pitting

    A corrosion rate needed to set the re-inspection interval, reassess the performance metrics and their current applicability, plus to ensure the assumptions made are correct. At each direct examination where corrosion pitting is found, the operator should measure and record each pitting cluster.  The aforementioned data are then used to estimate corrosion rates. Average corrosion rates are related to the environment, depth of pitting and years of in-service. Check Out

  • Estimating Internal Corrosion Rates?

    Internal corrosion is most likely to occur where water first accumulates. Predicting these locations of water accumulation serve as a method for prioritizing local examinations. Predicting where water first accumulates requires knowledge about the multiphase flow behavior in the pipe requiring certain data. The following are some general calculations based on flow conditions. Keep in mind that these are strictly estimates and do not consider the effects of temperature, wettability, MIC, pressure, hydrocarbon characterization, gas composition, etc. Check Out

  • Estimating External Corrosion Rates?

    All corrosion defects found during each direct examination should be measured, documented, and remediated as needed. At each excavation, the pipeline operator should measure and record generic environmental characteristics (such as soil resistivity, hydrology, drainage etc.). These data have been used to estimate corrosion rates. Average corrosion rates related to soil resistivity are below in the following table with no CP. Check Out

  • ASME B31G Original/Modified and RSTRENG Overview

    ASME B31.G Original and Modified (0.85) are Level 1 assessment along with most other metal loss calculations that are limited to pits and short lengths of pitting clusters. Check Out

Updated on September 27, 2023

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