
Pipelines share rights-of-way with a diverse array of commercial and industrial entities. It falls on pipeline engineers to manage how and when these parties cross pipelines to ensure safety and to minimize disruption of pipeline operation. As many pipeline operators and service companies may oversee or provide service to multiple encroachments simultaneously, the Encroachment Manager centralizes these Encroachments and their associated details into one repository, allowing for improved management, transparency, and report generation. Used alongside other tools in the HUBPL, Technical Toolboxes offers a comprehensive solution that manages active Encroachments in addition to providing calculations to address the challenges associated with them.


The Encroachment Manager allows for varying access to features based on the user’s role. The Map feature is available to all users. Roles and the features that they have access to are outlined below:



Can create and edit:

  • Users
  • Clients
  • Requestors


Can modify:

  • Active Encroachments
  • Inactive Encroachments
  • Add New Encroachments
  • View Details
  • View and Enter Comments/Hours
  • Generate Encroachment Reports
  • Edit Encroachments
  • Can set encroachments to Active/Inactive
  • Manage Rates
  • Send Report to Report Repository


Are capable of generating the following reports:

  • Encroachment Report
  • Hour Detail
  • Client Report
  • User Report
  • PayRoll Report

Hour Submitter


  • Active Encroachments
  • Inactive Encroachments
  • Add New Encroachments
  • View Details
  • View and Enter Comments/Hours
  • Generate Report (Encroachments Report)
  • Edit Encroachments
  • Active/Inactive Encroachments
  • Send Report to Report Repository

Report Viewer


  • Encroachment Report


The Administration tab allows Administrators to manage Users, Clients, and Requestors. The Administration tab is only accessible to users with the Administrator role.


All users with access to the Encroachment Manager will automatically appear in the Users tab. Administrators are able to Activate, Deactivate, and Edit each user. Activating a user grants access to the Encroachment Manager and allows him or her to submit comments/hours through other widgets. Deactivating a user revokes access to the Encroachment Manager and prevents hours/comments from being added through other widgets. Editing a user allows Administrators to assign the user’s role (Administrator, Hour Submitter, and Report Viewer), apply a Default Fee Rate ($/hour) that is applied to all future encroachments they are assigned to until it is modified again, and apply a Default Pay Rate ($/hour). Note that when Default Fee Rate is changed, this only applies to future encroachments, it does not retroactively replace fee rates for past or currently active encroachments.


Administrators are able to add new Clients to track which activities are associated with each Client. Once client information has been submitted, Administrators are able to view, edit, activate, and deactivate Clients as needed from the Administration view. A list of clients can also be imported using the included template by clicking the Download Template button, adding customer information into the excel template, and then importing the filled in template using the Import File button.


In the Requestor tab, Administrators are able to create new requestors and fill in the associated information, edit Requestor information, and Delete Requestors.


The Encroachments tab is available to users with the Administrator and Hour Submitter roles. The Encroachments tab displays both Active Encroachments and Inactive Encroachments and their accompanying information, along with the ability to add new encroachments for Administrators and Hour Submitters. When adding a new encroachment, users will be prompted to enter relevant information about the encroachment along with information about the Requestor.
Once an Encroachment has been added, it will be displayed in the Active Encroachments tab, where users can:
  • View Details – Displays the information previously submitted along with functionality to:
    • Add, Edit, and Delete pipelines.
      • Users can use the Select Pipeline from Hierarchy button to tie an existing entity to the encroachment from the Hierarchy Panel.
    • Add, Edit, and Delete Hours/Comments.
      • The Add Hours window allows users to connect Cases/Projects from  other widgets to the Encroachment, specify the number of hours spent using that case, and to insert a Comment/description that explains the work that was done.
  • View and Enter Comments/Hours – Allows users to enter specific days and number of hours worked along with providing comments to describe the work that they did or any other relevant notes to the encroachment.
    • Users can also use this feature to tie existing Cases from other tools on the Hub to the Encroachment by selecting the associated Module Name, Widget, and Case Name.
  • Generate Report – Displays encroachment information in a standardized report format PDF.
  • Edit Encroachments – Displays Encroachment details and allows users to edit them in case a correction is required from when it was initially created.
  • Archive/Inactive Encroachments – Removes the Encroachment from the Active Encroachment tab and submits it to the Inactive Encroachment tab.
  • Manage Rates – Displays fee rates, pay rates, start dates, and end dates for all users on the team associated with the encroachment and allows this information to be edited or deleted.
  • Manage Rates – Displays pay and fee rates for all accessible users. 

In the Inactive Encroachments tab, users are able to:

  • View Details – Displays the information previously submitted along with functionality to Add Pipeline and Add Hours.
  • Generate Report – Displays encroachment information in a standardized report format PDF.
  • Re-activate Encroachment – Removes the Encroachment from the Inactive encroachments tab and submits it to the Active Encroachments tab.


The Reports tab allows Administrators and Report Viewers to find, select, and view reports. Additional filters can be applied for ease of use:

  • Specific Encroachments can be selected through the “Select Encroachment” feature.
  • The Select Report filter determines which type of reports become visible for the viewer: Encroachment Reports, Hour Details, Client Reports, user Reports, and Payroll Reports
  • User Reports allow users to display all reports associated with a specific user.
  • Client Reports allow users to display all reports associated with a specific client.
  • Hour Reports, Client Reports, and Payroll Reports allow for the inclusion of Start Dates and End Dates.


The Map tab displays all Encroachments on a map, allowing for visualization of all Encroachments on a global scale.

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