Natural Gas Pipeline Rupture - Width Radius Depth or Crater

Natural gas rupture includes three (3) models that determine depth, radius and Width of the crater. Gasunie, NEN 3651 Radius of Crater and PRCI/Gasunie/Battelle combined model.

This model applies to a guillotine rupture wherein two separate pipe ends exists after the rupture.

Crater Depth:
๐‘ค โˆ’ Soil Parameter
๐ท๐‘ โˆ’ Pipe Outside Diameter(m)
๐‘๐‘œ โˆ’ Pipe Pressure(Pa)
๐ท๐‘ โˆ’ Depth of Cover from ground surface to center of the pipe(m)
๐ท โˆ’ Depth of Crater(m)
๐‘… โˆ’ Soil Parameter Function

Soil Parameter Functions:

๐‘…(๐‘ค) = 0.28+0.62(5 โ€“ ๐‘ค) โˆ’ 0.07(25 โˆ’ ๐‘ค2)

Allowable limits for R are between 0.28 and 1.3

if ๐‘ค โ‰ค 0.6                           ๐ท = 4.3๐ท๐‘ + ๐ท๐‘

if 0.6 < ๐‘ค < 2                 PTLB AGR 2.4_Intro 4.png

if ๐‘ค โ‰ฅ 2                              ๐ท = 2.2๐ท๐‘ + ๐ท๐‘

The crater angles are determined from empirical equations:

๐›ผ1 = tanโˆ’1(๐‘ค + 1)

Considering crater and dimensions shown in Figure 1. The equation of the ellipse is given by

Differentiating this at the ground level and substituting for x give

Evaluating this on the ground level and half crater depth gives


These can be solved simultaneously

The width of crater W is given by


Model may be applied for guillotine type rupture, NEN 3651 define radius of the crater as:


This model may be applied for guillotine type rupture only. Computation of the crater depth in combined PRCI/Gasunie/Battelle model is the same as described above for Gasunie model. 

The crater width is calculated as:


๐‘…๐‘ = PTLB AGR 2.4_Intro 12.png

๐‘Š๐‘ค = ๐ท๐‘ + ๐‘…๐‘ โˆ’ Distance from the Ground to the Center of the Pipe[m]

๐œŒ๐‘ ๐‘œ๐‘–๐‘™ โˆ’ Soil Density[kg/m3]

๐›พ โˆ’ Gas Specific Heat Ratio(1.031 for Natural Gas)

๐‘ข๐‘˜๐‘Ÿ = 2.54[m/s] โˆ’ Critical Gas Velocity [m/s]

๐‘ข๐‘ฅ โˆ’ Velocity of the Explosive Gases[m/s]

Input Parameters

  1. To create a new case, click the โ€œAdd Caseโ€ button
  2. Select the Natural Gas Pipeline Rupture โ€“ Width, Radius, Depth of Crater application in the AGR & GPRA module.
  3. Enter Case Name, Location, Date and any necessary notes.
  4. Fill out all required fields.
  5. Make sure the values you are inputting are in the correct units.
  6. Click the CALCULATE button.
  • Pipe Outside Diameter
  • Pipe Internal Pressure
  • Depth of Cover
  • Average Unit Weight of Soil
  • Natural Gas Specific Heat Ratio
  • Soil Type
  • w โ€“ Soil Parameter
  • Alpha 1 โ€“ Crater Wall Angle at Ground Level
  • Alpha 2 โ€“ Crater Wall Angle at Half Depth


  1. View the results.
  2. If an input parameter needs to be edited be sure to hit the CALCULATE button after the change.
  3. To SAVE, fill out all required case details then click the SAVE button.
  4. To rename an existing file, click the SAVE As button. Provide all case info then click SAVE.
  5. To generate a REPORT, click the REPORT button.
  6. The user may export the Case/Report by clicking the Export to Excel/PowerPoint icon.
  7. To delete a case, click the DELETE icon near the top of the widget.
  • Gasunie Model
  • R โ€“ Soil Parameter Function
  • Depth of Crater
  • Width of Crater
  • NEN 3651 Model
  • Radius of Crater
  • PRCI/Gasunie/Battelle Model
  • Velocity of Explosive Gases
  • Depth of Crater
  • Width of Crater