This calculation is used to calculate anode size to protect small underground piping systems such as meter stations, crossovers and short laterals.
Underground piping structures that require a limited current of 1 amp or less due to the limited driving voltage. In addition, where soil resistivities are greater than 5,000-ohm cm.
Ia — Electrical current flow from the anode to the pipe (Amps)
Ep — Polarized potential difference between pipe and reference electrode (V)
Ea — Polarized potential difference between the anode and the same reference electrode(V)
ρ — Average soil resistivity (0hm/cm)
Wa — Weight of magnesium anode(lbs)
La — Life of the magnesium anode(years)
Ia — Electrical current flow from the anode to the pipe(Amps)
Estimated Weight of a Magnesium Anode