Bending Stress-Caused By Fluid Around Pipeline

This is the result of erosion that increase span length (exposed pipe) where the PLTB applications calculates the longitudinal stresses that estimates the forces on the pipe due to water flow. The same techniques can be used as spans. Vortex shedding and the potential for fatigue failure of the pipe in flowing water, the apparent weight of the pipe will change because of buoyant forces. Flow velocity is sometime difficult to estimate at different depths i.e. drag and lift. PTLB Design & Stress Analysis_2.15 Intro.png
π‘†Β βˆ’ Bending stress[psi]
π‘€Β βˆ’ Unit weight of fluid [lb/ft3]@59℉ and 14.7psi:(air = 0.07651, water = 62.4)
π·Β βˆ’ Outside diameter of pipe [in]
π‘‘Β βˆ’ Inside diameter of pipe [in]
π‘‰Β βˆ’ Velocity of fluid [ft/sec]
πΏΒ βˆ’ Length of pipe [ft]
π‘‘Β βˆ’ Deflection [in]
PTLB Design & Stress Analysis_2.15 Intro 2.png

Input Parameters

  1. To create a new case, click the β€œAdd Case” button
  2. Select the Bending Stress Caused by Fluid Around Pipeline application from the Steel Pipe – Design and Stress Analysis module.
  3. Enter Case Name, Location, Date and any necessary notes.
  4. Fill out all required fields.
  5. Make sure the values you are inputting are in the correct units.
  6. Click the CALCULATE button.
  • Nominal Pipe Size(in):(0.625” – 48”)
  • Wall Thickness(in):(0.068”- >2”)
  • Pipe grade:(24000psi-80000psi) (if unknown use Grade A 24000)
  • Length of Pipe(ft)
  • Velocity of Fluid(ft/sec)
  • Unit Weight of Fluid (default water) (lb./ftΒ³)
PLTB Liquid_DesignStress_2.15 Input Rev_092420.png


  1. View the results.
  2. If an input parameter needs to be edited be sure to hit the CALCULATE button after the change.
  3. To SAVE, fill out all required case details then click the SAVE button.
  4. To rename an existing file, click the SAVE As button. Provide all case info then click SAVE.
  5. To generate a REPORT, click the REPORT button.
  6. The user may export the Case/Report by clicking the Export to Excel/PowerPoint icon.
  7. To delete a case, click the DELETE icon near the top of the widget.
  • Bending Stress(psi).
PLTB Liquid_DesignStress_2.15 Output Rev_092420.png

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