API 1117 - Movement of In-Service Pipeline

Total Longitudinal Stress
The total longitudinal stress in the pipe can be estimated with the following equation:
𝑆𝐿 = 𝑆𝐸 + 𝑆𝐡 + 𝑆𝑆

𝑆𝐿 = Total Longitudinal Stress in the Pipe [psi]
𝑆𝐸 = Existing Longitudinal Stress in the Pipe [psi]
𝑆𝐡 = Longitudinal Stress in the Pipe due to Bending caused by Movement Operation [psi]
𝑆𝑆 = Longitudinal Stress in the Pipe due to its Elongation caused by the Movement Operation [psi]

Longitudinal Tensile Stress Due To Internal Pressure
The longitudinal tensile stress in the pipe due to internal pressure may be estimated with the following equation:
PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Intro.png

𝑆𝑃 = Longitudinal Tensile Stress in the Pipe due to Internal Pressure [psi]
𝑃 = Maximum Internal Operating Pressure of the Pipe [psi]
𝐷 = Outside Diameter of the Pipe [in]
πœ‡ = Poissonβ€²s Ratio for Steelβˆ’0.3]
𝑑 = Nominal Wall Thickness of the Pipe [in]

Longitudinal Tensile Stress Due To Temperature Change
The longitudinal tensile stress in the pipe due to a change in the temperature may be estimated with following equation:
π‘†π‘Ÿ = 𝐸𝛼(𝑇1 βˆ’ 𝑇2)

π‘†π‘Ÿ = Longitudinal Tensile Stress in the Pipe due to Change in Temperature [psi]
𝐸 = Modulus of Elasticity of Steelβˆ’29x,10-6.
𝛼 = Linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Steel βˆ’6.5 x 10βˆ’6 [in/℉]
𝑇1 = Temperature of the Pipe at Installation [℉]
𝑇2 = Operating Temperature of the Pipe during Movement [℉]
*If the pipe’s temperature at installation time is not known, it should be reasonably estimated.

Longitudinal Tensile Stress Due To Existing Elastic Curvature
When a pipeline is laid to conform elastically to a given trench profile, the pipeline will experience induced flexural stress in amount proportional to its curvature. In hilly terrain, where slopes are unstable, or where soils are subject to frost heave or liquefaction, the pipeline is likely to experience stress of unpredictable and varying magnitude. This stress ,𝑆-𝐢. )can range from near-yield-strength levels in tension to near-bulking levels in compression. This existing stress should be considered prior to a movement operation.

Existing Longitudinal Stress
The existing longitudinal stress in a pipeline will normally be in the range of-10,000 psi to 20,000 psi. In the flat or gently rolling terrain where soils are not subject to frost heave or liquefaction, the pipeline will experience only the longitudinal tensile stress due to internal pressure and temperature as discussed above. The existing longitudinal stress in the pipe may be estimated
With following equation:
𝑆𝐸 = 𝑆𝑃 + π‘†π‘Ÿ + 𝑆𝐢

𝑆𝐢 = Longitudinal Tensile Stress in the Pipe due to Existing Elastic Curvature [psi]


Longitudinal Stress Due to Bending
The longitudinal stress in the pipe due to bending may be estimated with following equation:

PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Intro_2.png

π‘€π‘Ÿ = net uniformly distributed load required to achieve the desired mid-span vertical
deflection of the pipe [not full weight of the pipe and fluid, [psi]
𝐿𝐼 = minimum trench length required to reach the mid-span vertical deflection of the
Pipe [in]
𝑆 = elastic section modulus of the pipe [in]

Longitudinal Stress Due to Elongation
The longitudinal stress in the pipe due to elongation caused by the movement operation may be estimated with the following equation:
PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Intro_3.png

βˆ† = mid-span deflection of the pipe, [ft]
𝐿 = minimum trench length required to reach the mid-span deflection of the pipe βˆ† [ft]
The effects of this stress may be offset by an elastic compressive stress existing in the pipeline prior to the moving because of slack.

Available Longitudinal Bending Stress
The longitudinal stress available for bending may be estimated with the following equation:

𝑆𝐴 = Longitudinal stress available for bending [psi]
𝐹𝐷 = Design Factor
SMYS = Specific Minimum Yield Strength [psi]

Trench Length
The minimum trench length required to achieve a mid-span deflection of the pipe without exceeding the longitudinal stress limit can be determined with the following equation, based on elastic free deflection theory, which treats the pipe as a single-span beam that is fixed at both ends and that has a uniformly distributed load:
PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Intro_4.png


Trench (Or Displacement) Profile
A profile for the moved portion of the pipeline should be designed to minimize induced bending stress concentrations. Therefore, to obtain acceptable longitudinal stress distribution due to bending, the deflection at any point along the trench profile can be determined with the following equation:
PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Intro_5.png

βˆ†π‘₯ = Vertical Deflection of the Pipe at Distance x, [ft]longitudinal stress available for bending [psi]
π‘₯ = Distance along the length of the trench from the starting point of the pipe deflection, [ft]

Supporting Spacing
Based on a four-span, uniformly loaded beam, the maximum free span between supports can be determined with the following equation:
PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Intro_6.png

𝐿𝑆 = Maximum Free Span Between Pipe Supports [ft]
𝑑 = Inside Diameter of the Pipe [in]

Input Parameters
To create a new case, click the β€œAdd Case” button
Select the API 1117 – Movement of In-Service Pipeline application from the Miscellaneous module list.
Enter Case Name, Location, Date and any necessary notes.
Fill out all required fields.
Make sure the values you are inputting are in the correct units.
Click the CALCULATE button.
Nominal Pipe Size
Outside Pipe Diameter
Pipe Wall Thickness
Inside Pipe Diameter
Specified Minimum Yield Strength
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel
Poisson’s Ratio for Steel
Desired Vertical Deflection of the Pipe
Maximum Operating Pressure
Installation Temperature of the Pipe
Operating Temperature of the Pipe
Pipe Design Factor
Sc – Longitudinal Stress due to Pipe Elasticity Curvature
PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Input.png

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Sp – Longitudinal Stress due to Internal Pressure
St – Longitudinal Stress due to Temperature
Se – Existing Longitudinal Stress
L – Minimum Required Trench Length
Ss – Longitudinal Stress due to its Elongation
Sa – Longitudinal Stress Available for the Bending
Ls – Maximum Allowable Support Spacing
PTLB Misc – Liquid 2.1 Output.png


Related Links
Pipeline Miscellaneous – Liquid Services