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Validation checks in place for API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway

Below are the list of validation checks we have incorporated in API 1102 – Pipeline Crossing Highway (Gas and Liquid)

ParameterValidation Check
Operating Pressure“Numerical value for operating pressure should be between 0 – 5000 [psi]”
Pipe Depth“Numerical value for pipe depth should be between 3 – 10 [ft]”
Bored Diameter“Numerical value for bored diameter should be between D and D + 6 [in]”
Operating Temperature“Numerical value for operating temperature should be between -20 and 450 [deg F]”
SMYS“Numerical value for SMYS should be between 24,000 – 80,000 [psi]”
Outside Diameter“Numerical value for outside pipe diameter should be between 2 – 42 [in]”
Wall Thickness“Numerical value for pipe wall thickness/outside pipe diameter ratio (tw/D) should be between 0.01 and 0.08!”
Wall Thickness“Pipe wall thickness can not be less then 2.03 [mm] for pipes with outside diameter less or equal 185.75 [mm]”
Wall Thickness“Maximum pipe wall thickness can not be greater than 39.7 [mm] for pipes with outside diameter equal or greater then 355.6 [mm]” 
Wall Thickness“Insufficient pipe wall thickness for given operating conditions”
Wall Thickness“In accordance with CFR 192 minimum required wall thickness should be XX inch and currently wall thickness is ** inch”
Installation Temperature“Numerical value for Installation temperature should be between -20 and 450 [deg F]”
Updated on January 31, 2024

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