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Sonic Velocity

The maximum possible velocity of a compressible fluid in a pipe is called sonic velocity. Oilfield liquids are semi-compressible, due to dissolved gases.


Fluid directive is required and following are the input parameters

  • K = Cp/Cv – the ratio of specific heats at constant pressure to constant volume (fluid directive)
  • G=32.2 ft/sec
  • R=1544/mol. Wt.
  • T = Absolute temperature in deg R

Calculation Engine

The following equation will be used for the calculation


Sonic Velocity in ft/sec

Applicable PLTB Modules & Calculations

  1. PLTB Hydraulics Liquid
    • Colebrook – White
    • Darcy – Weisbach
    • Darcy – Weisbach Pressure Drop per Mile
    • Surge Analysis – Water Hammer
  2. PLTB Hydraulics Gas
    • Panhandle – A
    • Panhandle – B
    • Weymouth
    • A.G.A Fully Turbulent Flow
    • Colebrook – White
    • FM – Fundamental Equation
  3. Pipeline Facilities – Gas
    • Hot Tap Sizing – Gas
  4. AGR & GPRA
    • Accidental Gas Release Full Bore Pipeline Rupture
  5. ALR
    • Accidental Release from Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipeline
  6. Pipeline Pumps
    • Pump Station Piping – Average Flow Velocity
  7. Pipeline Compressors
    • Compressor Station Piping – Gas Velocity

Example Mockup

If sonic and erosional velocities are under average velocity, the color will be green or grey which indicates no risk

  • All units should be left justified – this shows inconsistent justification

Updated on September 26, 2023

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