Does ACPT Assess AC and DC Transit System Interference? Interference voltages and currents from AC and DC dynamic stray power traction systems are not assessed with the ACPT software....
AC Power Tool (ACPT) Validation Introduction This is a validation of the Technical Toolboxes ACPT compared to the PRCI model developed by Dr. John Dabkowski. ...
ACPT and ACPTGIS versus PRCI AC Mitigation Angles Introduction ACPT/ACPTGIS uses bearing angles and extends the reference line(s) to come up the intersecting angles with other facilities such...
ACPT GIS Steady State – Creating Section Lines There are four (4) types of importing lat./longs and ArcGIS data Example of a map kmz. or kml. file was...
ACPT – METHODS OF SOIL RESISTIVITY (Barnes Layers) Barnes layer data are set up to represent the bulk soil multiple layers for the corrosive layer (pipe depth), deep...