Polyethylene Pipe


The Pipeline Toolbox is home to many tools and calculators. The PLTB User’s Guide presents information, guidelines and procedures for use during design, construction, operations and integrity tasks for field or office applications.

When selecting pipe materials, designers, owners and contractors specify materials that provide reliable, long-term service durability, and cost-effectiveness. Solid wall PE pipes provide a cost-effective solution for a wide range of piping applications. PE pipe is also effective for above ground, buried, trenchless, floating and marine installations.

Wheel load from trucks or other vehicles are significant for pipe buried at shallow depths. The resultant load transferred to the pipe depends on vehicle weight, the tire pressure and size, vehicle speed, surface smoothness, pavement and distance from the pipe to the point of loading.

Surcharge loads, such as footings, foundations or other stationary loads, create pressure in the soil beneath the loaded area. This pressure will be distributed through the soil such that there is a reduction in soil pressure acting on the pipe with an increase in depth or horizontal distance from the surcharge area.

Modulus of Soil Reaction (E’) – Values of E’ for Pipe Embedment

Modulus of Soil Reaction (E’) – Average Values for Iowa Formula

PTLB Polyethylene Pipe Intro Image 2.png

Values of E’n Native Soil Modules of Soil Reaction

PTLB Polyethylene Pipe Intro Image 3.png

Soil Support Factor

PTLB Polyethylene Pipe Intro Image 4.png



  • “Modulus of Soil Reaction Values for Buried Flexible Pipe”, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 103, No GT 1, Howard, A.K. Technical Toolboxes, Inc.
  • “Evaluation of Modulus of Soil Reaction E and its Variation with Depth”, Report No. UCB/GT/82-02,
  • “Soil Engineering”, Third Edition, Spangler, M.G. and Handy, R.L., Intext Educational Press
  • “Structural Mechanics of Buried Pipes”, Watkins, R.K, and Loren, R, A,
  • “Polyethylene Pipe Handbook: Design of PE Piping Systems”, Second Edition, Plastic Pipe Institute, Inc.
  • API 15LE – Specification for Polyethylene Line Pipe


  • Properties of Polyethylene Pipes?

    This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category “High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Injection Molded”.

    Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of appropriate MatWeb entries. The comments report the average value, and number of data points used to calculate the average. 

    The values are not necessarily typical of any specific grade, especially less common values and those that can be most affected by additives or processing methods.  Check Out

Updated on September 13, 2023

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